Friday, August 26, 2005

7 Things

I zigged when I should have zagged and got tagged by Pizzle.

Seven things I:

Plan to do before I die:
- See the pyramids
- Deliver that devistating comeback at the exact right moment
- Finish remodeling our house.
- Give wildly outdated advice to a child.
- Become fluent in a language other than English.
- Shot a hole-in-one.
- Vacation somewhere tropical.

Can do:
- Listen with an open mind
- Higher math
- Emulate foreign accents
- Reverse engineer a device driver
- Swing dance
- Parallel park
- Juggle

Can't do:
- Understand fanaticism
- Navagate in Atlanta
- Flair my nostrils
- Magic
- Put a good story down
- A backhand tennis shot
- Shmooze

Am attracted to in the opposite sex:
- Eyes
- Brain
- Legs
- Smell
- Sense of humor
- Not being a girly girl
- Ass

Say most:
- Interesting
- Hilarious
- Un-fricking-believable
- Fuckity
- That appears not to be the case.
- Asshat
- If you say so

Celebrity Crushes:
- Christina Ricci
- Sarah Michelle Gellar
- Amanda Tapping
- Alyson Hannigan
- Jennifer Love Hewitt
- Amy Smart
- Eliza Dushku

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Vocabulary Lesson

So here are a few fun words I've had to look up in the past 24 hours.

yurt: a circular domed tent of skins or felt stretched over a collapsible lattice framework and used by pastoral peoples of inner Asia

I read that one somewhere on the web and had to know what it meant.

halcyon: 1) calm, peaceful 2) happy, golden 3) prosperous, affluent

That one was from some dialog I heard on TV.

ablative: of, relating to, or constituting a grammatical case expressing typically the relations of separation and source and also frequently such relations as cause or instrument

No freaking clue. That word has been bouncing around my head since this morning for no reason I can rightly fathom. It's not even a word that I'd feel neat working into a conversation. I've been wondering what it meant, and now I'm just creeped out.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Ode to My Tivo

Oh Tivo, my Tivo, sitting valiantly aside the TV.
What I would do without you, I hope to never see.
You do your job without pause or complaint,
For late night programming you are the patron saint.
No longer a slave to any particular show,
You stedfastily record it, as I come and go.
Firefly, Stargate both SG-1 and Atlantis,
Battlestar Galactica I'll never again have to miss.
Because they're on Friday nights, and lets be honest,
To go out with friends or just Amanda is best.
So whilst I'm having fun,
And you've just got done,
Taping new episodes and saving them like the rest.
You also keep the peace by letting me record,
Some B movie that would cause severe discord.
If I forced my girl to watch with me,
Instead of Trading Spaces on TLC.
The only complaint, if I had to wager,
Is that you thought I was a gay history major.
I can't allow you to just up and archive,
Things you feel on which I would thrive.
We tried that once before don't you remember,
Every episode of Queer Eye and more in December,
Plus countless shows on tombs and pharaohs.
Was the only saving grace my dear Tivo.
Mysteries of the Ancient World? Yes, yes si vous plait!
Gay drama and cinema? Not my cup of tea okay?
So record what I want and we'll be alright.
And keep those shows all through the night.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Oh yeah

And just so Eric doesn't get too irked. Since I'm kinda between music phases right now, here are the next five songs off of my randomized eclectic playlist:

1) Wiskey in a Jar - Metallica
2) How Lucky Can One Guy Be? - Indigo Swing
3) Superspy - Save Ferris
4) Unsuccessfully Coping With The Natural Beauty of Infidelity - Type O Negative
5) You & Me & The Bottle Makes 3 Tonight - Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

And since I'm a total 100z3r, I can't tag 5 people. I'll just content myself with being "it" for a while.

Gotta Little Demon In Ya?

I was watching some of the 3rd season of Angel and I had a moment of personal funny. It was shortly after Cordelia becomes half-demon, and it might have been something she said, because I think she said she had a little demon in her. I was reminded of those old Captain Morgan commercials with the tag line of "got a little captain in ya?". I then entertained myself with a mental parody of those commercials, with the obvious changes. It was one of those moments that is extremely funny to you, and there's no possible way to explain or share the moment with anyone and have it retain it's full level of humor. At best someone will just chuckle a little to try to get you to shut up and stop trying to explain. But I came to realize something. Well, two somethings actually, one being that I am in serious need of getting a life. The second, and possibly more important, is that I really need a creative outlet. I had hoped that this blog would help, but I fear its turning more into my own personal rant space.

I'm left-brain dominant, but I realized that the right side of my brain isn't vestigial, it's merely atrophied. Left to it's own devices, that side comes up with strange things, such as the little mental parody, and other things. For instance I never dream normal things. In fact I can't remember the last time I had a dream that completely warp reality. Fantastical settings, physically impossible events, that sort of thing. The closest "real life" dream I've had lately was a completely normal situation, except everything was in various
shades of green: people, places, items. And unfortunately, the work I do is very much opposite. If-Then-Else. That's my world.

I'm also very pedantic. I've always been that way, probably something to do with how I'm wired. It's why I'll never make a very good deviant. Too concerned about the rules. But lately it's gotten worse, and I don't really like it. And I think it has to do with working with computers so closely. Too much logic I suppose, and not enough illogic. The irony is that it's probably why I'm good with computers too. Either way I need to do something as an outlet of creativity, or I think I might go a little insane.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Weekend in Review (Including Monday!)

My weekend (including Monday because I'm lazy and didn't get this up yesterday):


Met an old friend at Everybody's Pizza down on (close enough) Emory's campus. It was great to see her, since it's been well over a year. Unfortunately Everybody's Pizza has the single MOST disgusting pizza I've ever encountered. Maybe it's the pizza sauce, that is worse than generic tomato sauce. Or maybe it's the provolone, mozzarella and parmesan cheese blend they use. All I know is after 3 pieces my stomach said, "Look. Asshole. Stop eating that crap! No, you know what, go ahead, take another bite. You want to play it hard, we can play it hard. I DARE you to take another bite!" Needless to say I stopped.
The rest of the evening was spent on the couch trying not to hork. At least the Sci-Fi channel was there to keep my mind off of pizza. erk.


Amanda was out at the lake with a group of ladies from the neighborhood playing bunco. Or as they call it in Vegas: craps. This kept me free to play a round of golf with a friend. Then of course there was the after-golf beering that occurred. Then we decided there was time to wander through electronics stores, and I found the 3rd season of Angel for cheap. I also found that HD-DVRs are getting cheap now. Woot.


Home improvement day! Which meant that Amanda and I spent the day bickering. You see, I unfortunately have an opinion. And while Amanda and I are usually in the same book, we're seldom on the same page, or even chapter. I swear once we're done with the house stuff, we'll be experienced negotiators to get jobs for the UN. Next time Kerplekistan and Herflangistan go to war because one prostrates to their god while leading with the left knee and the other leads with the right, you can just send in Amanda and I and we'll negotiate peace. The home stuff is exacerbated by the fact that men just see colors differently. We're see in the Windows default setting. 256 thats all you're going to get.
Then we ate dinner with our friends who have two toddlers and another set of friends who are moving in down the road from us. It was a nice outing that ended when the usual meltdown of the kids forced us from the restaurant. After that Amanda beat my ass around the tennis court, paying me back for earlier behavior at the hardware store.


Work! (duh). And more tennis. Oh, and the first 4 episodes of Angel season 3. And honestly, I'm beginning to think that the entire cast of Lost is comprised of actors with bit or minor parts in Angel. I think I'm up to three people on Lost that I've seen in Angel. Weird.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa

So I noticed that Kansas is once again in the news. Kansas moves to stem the role of Evolution. I was building up to this huge rant, but you know what? Fuck that. I have shed my final tear for the children of my home state. I was sympathetic the first time. Some freaks get elected and start dragging the education system back a century. Who could have seen that? But this time? No! Bad electorate, no cookie! This time, I'm sympathetic but I'm not going to get worked up. You elected them, willfully, and you get to deal with the crap that they bring forth. Like a giant sphincter belching forth a theocratic miasma.

Onto the real blog:

I was watching an old episode of Futurama last night, it had one of my favorite lines (although about 50% of the script could make a favorite-line list. This one just struck me funny one night). After Fry kills his grandfather and nails his grandmother, Farnsworth says something along the lines of "Oh, a lesson in not changing the past from Mr. I'm-my-own-grandpa. Lets get the hell out of here already, screw history!" And as scary as it sounds, it reminds me of just a couple months ago. My parents and my sister and her little boy, my nephew came to visit. They hadn't seen our house since we bought it last spring. My brother in law is currently playing dodgebomb over in Iraq right now, which is why he was noticeably absent from the list of people visiting. My little nephew looks almost EXACTLY like me. Enough that it kinda creeps me out. Creeps me out enough that I'm still looking for the rotating door, and Rod Sterling. Put it this way: you put me, my father, my grandfather, and my new nephew all together in a group. It looks a little like the progression of man, like from homo-erectus through homo-sapiens-sapiens. (oops, sorry all you Kansas folk for that last bit. Yay! my blog can now be banned from a classroom.) But the group photo, and I wish I actually had one, also looks like I had an accident... several accidents with a time machine. We could be a warning poster for a physics class. "Remember kids, don't fuck with time." Or "Don't be Causalities bitch, practice safe Time Travel."

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Blogging: Raw and Uncut

Long time no bloggy. Mainly because I was on a week long business trip to Huntsville, Al. And unless you're on a trip to the Bahamas, the just aren't that fun. So anything I wrote would have been a huuuuge ranting bitchfest. I decided to spare you, my few but proud readers. I also take too much time to blog, partly because I try to hard. I'll write something and decide, no I don't really like the phrasing there, how about swapping that bit and that bit over there? And then there's always looking at some point of view I have and thinking, oh, will many people be offended? Bunny that. My blog my viewpoint. I've decided to cease that obsessive behavior and give you the raw form. My thoughts at their purest. And since it's been a while, I've got a veritable cornucopia of thoughts, a myriad idea spread, a rainbow of mental vomit.

1) Go Discovery! I'm glad the astronauts made it back safe, and that our space program hasn't disolved into a complete failure. A lot of people don't like the space program, that we "should fix things down here first." And that, simply will not ever happen. So go, explore space, see whats out there. Hopefully find some place that we can move to when we finish bunny-ing up our current little blue-green ball of joy.

2) Nothing makes me dislike religion quite like fervertism and zealotry. As witnessed in Eric's email about the blogger with the Harry-Potter-is-the-devils-handbook post. That sort of crap is waaaay too prevelant for my tastes. Of course, I'm down here in the South, and there's a lot of that going around.

3) One of my friends posted this link to one of those silly-but-irressistable online quizes: quiz. I am apparently Jean-Luc Picard. Greaaat. I mean, I didn't get something super horrible, but it's just not that exciting. I took it again and changed a couple of the answers. You know the kind, when you're looking at the question and going um, uh...hmmm, oh! And got Elrond. Which was a heck of a lot cooler than Picard. Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson...I mean Baggins.

4) Huntsville is a silly place. Not only is it in Alabamastan, but it has a fascinating dynamic. I mean, it's deep south so you have some bit of it that's very redneck, very nascar. The kind of folk who dispised Matrix Revolutions, not because the movie sucked, but because the had a little bit of Jesus symbolism at the end and "that ain't right". But it also has from what I've seen a good bit of counter-culture. Lots of dyed hair, piercings, Mean People Suck bumperstickers. The mall near the office there has an oxygen bar. No fooling! That just seems totally out of place. Like finding a new secret chamber in the Great Pyramid and finding a McDonald's there. Maybe it's just the area I'm in, I've never wanted to really find out.

5) My sweety and I started playing tennis to get some more exercise. Mainly for me, I'm the programmer. Of course, playing tennis with her is an exercise in humility. She's Miss All Varisty super athlete, and I was in band. So we'll hit the ball back and forth a few times, then she smacks me down with this hit that goes about 3,754 MPH.

6) If you're ever thinking about going back to get a Masters degree, take my advice, and quit your job. Don't be an idiot like me and do both at the same time!!

Okay that's enough for now. More coherentness blogs to follow!