Thursday, August 11, 2005

Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa

So I noticed that Kansas is once again in the news. Kansas moves to stem the role of Evolution. I was building up to this huge rant, but you know what? Fuck that. I have shed my final tear for the children of my home state. I was sympathetic the first time. Some freaks get elected and start dragging the education system back a century. Who could have seen that? But this time? No! Bad electorate, no cookie! This time, I'm sympathetic but I'm not going to get worked up. You elected them, willfully, and you get to deal with the crap that they bring forth. Like a giant sphincter belching forth a theocratic miasma.

Onto the real blog:

I was watching an old episode of Futurama last night, it had one of my favorite lines (although about 50% of the script could make a favorite-line list. This one just struck me funny one night). After Fry kills his grandfather and nails his grandmother, Farnsworth says something along the lines of "Oh, a lesson in not changing the past from Mr. I'm-my-own-grandpa. Lets get the hell out of here already, screw history!" And as scary as it sounds, it reminds me of just a couple months ago. My parents and my sister and her little boy, my nephew came to visit. They hadn't seen our house since we bought it last spring. My brother in law is currently playing dodgebomb over in Iraq right now, which is why he was noticeably absent from the list of people visiting. My little nephew looks almost EXACTLY like me. Enough that it kinda creeps me out. Creeps me out enough that I'm still looking for the rotating door, and Rod Sterling. Put it this way: you put me, my father, my grandfather, and my new nephew all together in a group. It looks a little like the progression of man, like from homo-erectus through homo-sapiens-sapiens. (oops, sorry all you Kansas folk for that last bit. Yay! my blog can now be banned from a classroom.) But the group photo, and I wish I actually had one, also looks like I had an accident... several accidents with a time machine. We could be a warning poster for a physics class. "Remember kids, don't fuck with time." Or "Don't be Causalities bitch, practice safe Time Travel."


At 4:04 PM, Blogger Shanshu said...

That is a scary thought, for sure. Congrats on making ME feel uncomfortable.


At 2:38 PM, Blogger PJ said...

It's bad enough to make sure you're avoiding diseases in your humping. It sucks to think we'll have to avoid our relatives, too, at some point.

*squirms in his chair*


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