In The End, There Can Be Only One
I happened to notice a commercial the other day for Lucky Charms. Other than being all CGI now, it was pretty much the same Lucky Charms commercial from whan I was a kid. Until the end. Where they showed the different "flavors" of Lucky Charms. Apparently now they have Berry Lucky Charms and Chocolate Lucky Charms.My question to you: When did Lucky the Leprechaun defeat and consume the powers of Frankenberry and Count Chocula??
Is that what happened to Boo Berry, and the Cookie Crook? What about the Honey Smacks frog? Are the old cereal mascots meeting each other in dimly lit parking decks with samurai swords?
If so, my money's on the Cap'n
Oh my god--I haven't blogged in so long so I've missed out on reading yours--Highly Funny! I'm going to get more regular, too, and I"m not talking fiber!
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