Friday, August 19, 2005

Gotta Little Demon In Ya?

I was watching some of the 3rd season of Angel and I had a moment of personal funny. It was shortly after Cordelia becomes half-demon, and it might have been something she said, because I think she said she had a little demon in her. I was reminded of those old Captain Morgan commercials with the tag line of "got a little captain in ya?". I then entertained myself with a mental parody of those commercials, with the obvious changes. It was one of those moments that is extremely funny to you, and there's no possible way to explain or share the moment with anyone and have it retain it's full level of humor. At best someone will just chuckle a little to try to get you to shut up and stop trying to explain. But I came to realize something. Well, two somethings actually, one being that I am in serious need of getting a life. The second, and possibly more important, is that I really need a creative outlet. I had hoped that this blog would help, but I fear its turning more into my own personal rant space.

I'm left-brain dominant, but I realized that the right side of my brain isn't vestigial, it's merely atrophied. Left to it's own devices, that side comes up with strange things, such as the little mental parody, and other things. For instance I never dream normal things. In fact I can't remember the last time I had a dream that completely warp reality. Fantastical settings, physically impossible events, that sort of thing. The closest "real life" dream I've had lately was a completely normal situation, except everything was in various
shades of green: people, places, items. And unfortunately, the work I do is very much opposite. If-Then-Else. That's my world.

I'm also very pedantic. I've always been that way, probably something to do with how I'm wired. It's why I'll never make a very good deviant. Too concerned about the rules. But lately it's gotten worse, and I don't really like it. And I think it has to do with working with computers so closely. Too much logic I suppose, and not enough illogic. The irony is that it's probably why I'm good with computers too. Either way I need to do something as an outlet of creativity, or I think I might go a little insane.


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