Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Blogging: Raw and Uncut

Long time no bloggy. Mainly because I was on a week long business trip to Huntsville, Al. And unless you're on a trip to the Bahamas, the just aren't that fun. So anything I wrote would have been a huuuuge ranting bitchfest. I decided to spare you, my few but proud readers. I also take too much time to blog, partly because I try to hard. I'll write something and decide, no I don't really like the phrasing there, how about swapping that bit and that bit over there? And then there's always looking at some point of view I have and thinking, oh, will many people be offended? Bunny that. My blog my viewpoint. I've decided to cease that obsessive behavior and give you the raw form. My thoughts at their purest. And since it's been a while, I've got a veritable cornucopia of thoughts, a myriad idea spread, a rainbow of mental vomit.

1) Go Discovery! I'm glad the astronauts made it back safe, and that our space program hasn't disolved into a complete failure. A lot of people don't like the space program, that we "should fix things down here first." And that, simply will not ever happen. So go, explore space, see whats out there. Hopefully find some place that we can move to when we finish bunny-ing up our current little blue-green ball of joy.

2) Nothing makes me dislike religion quite like fervertism and zealotry. As witnessed in Eric's email about the blogger with the Harry-Potter-is-the-devils-handbook post. That sort of crap is waaaay too prevelant for my tastes. Of course, I'm down here in the South, and there's a lot of that going around.

3) One of my friends posted this link to one of those silly-but-irressistable online quizes: quiz. I am apparently Jean-Luc Picard. Greaaat. I mean, I didn't get something super horrible, but it's just not that exciting. I took it again and changed a couple of the answers. You know the kind, when you're looking at the question and going um, uh...hmmm, oh! well...no...but... And got Elrond. Which was a heck of a lot cooler than Picard. Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson...I mean Baggins.

4) Huntsville is a silly place. Not only is it in Alabamastan, but it has a fascinating dynamic. I mean, it's deep south so you have some bit of it that's very redneck, very nascar. The kind of folk who dispised Matrix Revolutions, not because the movie sucked, but because the had a little bit of Jesus symbolism at the end and "that ain't right". But it also has from what I've seen a good bit of counter-culture. Lots of dyed hair, piercings, Mean People Suck bumperstickers. The mall near the office there has an oxygen bar. No fooling! That just seems totally out of place. Like finding a new secret chamber in the Great Pyramid and finding a McDonald's there. Maybe it's just the area I'm in, I've never wanted to really find out.

5) My sweety and I started playing tennis to get some more exercise. Mainly for me, I'm the programmer. Of course, playing tennis with her is an exercise in humility. She's Miss All Varisty super athlete, and I was in band. So we'll hit the ball back and forth a few times, then she smacks me down with this hit that goes about 3,754 MPH.

6) If you're ever thinking about going back to get a Masters degree, take my advice, and quit your job. Don't be an idiot like me and do both at the same time!!

Okay that's enough for now. More coherentness blogs to follow!


At 10:23 AM, Blogger Shanshu said...

Ah, I see you are becomming one with the 'bunny' phrase. Good, good. You are on the path, my son.

Soon you will call me master.

At 12:55 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

1. Yes, yay space program but down with the shuttle. What a stupid piece of bunny. Let's get something that we can fly the bunny up there without dropping those tanks. It's like a glider, engineered like a mack truck. It's a glorified cargo delivery van for the space station. I say--shoot supplies for the space station up on unmanned missions, man missions for repairs and personnell changeovers on something cooler than the bunny shuttle, and let's start manning more important missions, like finding me a space pad. (you think condos in ATL are expensive. . .)

2. I completely and totally agree. If you want, check out http://www.uuman.org/ for a like-minded community of religious liberals, athiests, humanists, etc. It was the only place keeping me sane down there with the bible-whackers.

3. I came out as John somebody from Babylon 5, which I've never seen, so how badly does that suck? I prefer Picard. He's my favorite ST character, sexy bald head, british accent. Don't knock him.

6. Thanks for the heads-up. Now, all I have to do is convince Ian to support me for two years and quit my job!

At 5:44 PM, Blogger PJ said...

Interesting to note, too...

Huntsville is the site of the first Space Camp. Remember THAT movie.

I actually attended Space Camp in 4th Grade. Pretty cool.

Just trying to tie your Huntsville and Shuttle thing together. :)

At 11:07 PM, Blogger wrmblnwrck said...

Huntsville is one of NASA's big centers. It's where they took all the German rocket scientists we captured during WWII. There's actually a Saturn V rocket at the space museum there, sticking straight up into the sky. Like the earth has a boner for the moon.

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Shanshu said...

I loved the movie Space Camp.

"Max in space!"


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