Thursday, February 09, 2006

Tales from the crypt

So, it's becoming exceedingly difficult for my whole blog thing to not turn from "my random musings" to "excessive rants from a disaffected software engineer". So I will instead leave you with this:

Everyone I know was comparing their list of favorite Superbowl commercials. No one was talking about the game, or anything other than the commercials. Fine. We're all capitalisms little bitches anyway. But what interested me more than anything was the half time show. I mean, damn. Despite the obvious problems stemming from advancing age, it was facinating. I'm not a Stones fan, but they are far cooler at 63 than I ever will be. And if you can still rock when you become a senior citizen and beyond, more power too you.

That being said. Does anyone else get a creepy when-was-the-last-time-someone-saw-them-in-daylight vibe from them?? Sometimes I think it's better to burn out than fade away, or fall apart. It's starting to get kinda disturbing. Maybe something like this:

(voice): Who disturbs my slumber?.
(roady #1): Um, lord. They wish you to do a performance.
(voice): Do they? Tell me more of this performance.
(roady #1): It's at what they call the "Super Bowl" in the New World. A sporting
event of sorts. You are wanted to entertain the crowd when the athletes rest.
(voice): I see. And will there be girls throwing panties like in olden times?
(roady #1): It will be arranged.
(roady #2): But, sir, it's in the States.
(roady #1 glaring): It will be arranged.
(roady #2): But, sir, the censors, Janet....
(roady #1 now furious): If the master wishes it, it shall be arranged!
(voice chuckling): Very well. But first Mick Jagger must feed!
(roady #2): Aaaggngngnngggg..gug..

I still wish I could be that much of a badass at their age!


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