Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Random Thoughts II

1) It is done. It is over. I have finally watched all 7 seasons of Buffy and all 5 seasons of Angel. Now I can go back and watch all the normal TV that got Tivo-ed in the mean time.

2) It just took me 30 minutes to log into my class lecture. Windows sucks. Windows-only applications are even worse.

3) We finally got bedroom furniture. Amanda said she was tired of living like we were in a dorm room. I guess the sectional wicker dressers aren't romantic. Good to know.

4) You know those Neighborhood Watch signs? The ones that are in subdivisions that say warning blah blah we'll actually call the cops blah blah? Everytime I see them all I can think is "Warning! The Eye of Ra is upon you!!" since they always have that eerie Egyptian hieroglyphic eye.

5) Which makes me think of some humorist somewhere who quoted the Pharaoh Khufu: "Spooky-Eye Bird Man-standing-sideways Spooky-Eye"

6) I had to look up "hieroglyphic" because I can't spell normal English words, let alone things like THAT.

7) Untie!!

8) It's rather sad that we had to occupy one of our OWN cities, as if it were Dresden, or Baghdad.

9) On that topic, with the news coverage of people with guns randomly shooting at rescuers. It was brought to mind that scene from the movie Independence Day when the news anchor showed a picture of a red circle with a line through it, and a gun in the middle saying something like "We ask that gang members not fire their weapons at the space craft as it might accidentally set off an interstellar war."

10) There's a gentle chill in the air in the mornings now, must mean its football season! My team took down Auburn this weekend taking the series to 2-0 since we started playing them again. Woot.

11) Monday night I found myself in a quandry. I should have been rooting for Miami to blow it, but that would have had me rooting for FSU, which I took a blood oath never to do. I think if it was FSU vs. The Hoardes of Hell, I'd be damned.

12) You can push-start a manual transmission.

13) There was WAA-AA-AAY to much beer this weekend.

14) A cat's defense mechanism when it gets scared is to expell copious amounts of hair. I guess to annoy it's predators by making them go "pthat pthat pthat".

15) What's in a name? Does a name dictate behavior, or does the behavior lend description to the name? Cuz naming a cat after the Norse god of Fire, Mischief and, uh, Evil, might have been a severe oversight in judgement.

16) I'm am ALWAYS finding myself typing behaviour and colour. Guess I was born on the wrong side of the pond.

17) My friends 2.5 year old was in Meltdown-Mode this weekend. Nothing quite as ugly as watching a small child freaking loose it's mind for no reasons what so ever. At one point he was strapped in his car seat and went berzerk trying to hit his older brother. The whole car seat was moving. Imagine the muppet Animal just with more devestation. Like Godzilla.

18) Fin


At 2:08 PM, Blogger Shanshu said...

Congrats on the Buffy/Angel marathon. Always a good time. Someday, you'll have the same Buffy/Angel knowledge as me.



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