Friday, July 29, 2005

You say Yakuza, I say Jacuzzi

Every day on my way to work I stop at this particular interestion (see previous blog). And this morning I happened to notice something strange. Not like a elderly gentleman in a blue leotard trying to bite his own cheek, but strange none the less. There is an office that was once a house, probably 30 years ago before the shambling mound of commercialism came along and overran the area. It is a long ranch style home, with the entrance in the middle. That is not the strange part. The strange part is that on the far right
window, well away from the entrance, is a small black sign with 5 symbols on it that I can only assume is one of many Asian languages. And NO English translation, which is odd because well, we do kinda live in an English speaking country. Now it is the South, so English speaking is debatable, y'all.

I don't truly suspect anything nefarious, because not only do we live in and English speaking country, but we also live in reality. So why do I feel this overwhelming urge to copy those symbols and google the hell out of them?

Maybe because it actually is kind of suspicious. Why show the sign way out of the way? And why not provide an English translation? What the fuck could it say that only people who speak that language need to know?? If I google it am I going to find that it's an insult? Like "Hey Americans, suck my balls!".
Or is it a joke? Like "If you can read this you don't need a babelfish.".

The only clue I have is that the office is a Chiropractor. Which is different than an Osteopath because of the spelling. So I wonder if it's indicating that you can get some sort of Korean massage, or Chinese pedicure, or Mongolian beef.

All I know is that it's in a language that only a fraction of a fraction of the population it can't be bringing in a lot of customers. And I HAVE to know what it says. I suppose I could just call the place and ask... but that just seems WAAY too easy.


At 9:08 AM, Blogger Shanshu said...

That IS interesting! I too, would find that too strange, to ignore.

Oh, and good luck trying to google don't have a Chinese or Japanese computer.


At 2:31 PM, Blogger PJ said...

lol...I was thinking the same thing the whole time I was reading that...

How the fuck can you google Asian characters?!

And if you could, wouldn't you know what they meant if you had to type them in?

At 3:09 PM, Blogger wrmblnwrck said...

I was thinking more along the lines of googling for common asian characters/symbols and then doing a visual google.

no matter what it would be a suck-all endeavor

At 8:16 AM, Blogger Shanshu said...

I would suggest looking through a chinese-english dictionary.

Good luck, either way. You would be better off, just to find a Chinese friend and ask them to translate it for you.

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

It probably just either says:

1. Get your tax return done here, cheap!!!!


2. Experienced immigration lawyer to help with Green Cards!


3. Korean Baptist Church's ladies circle meets here Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m.


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