Sunday, July 17, 2005

Potter Powers Activate!

Form of: a dollar sign! Or I suppose it would be far more appropriate as a pound sign. So like millions of other freaks I bought the new Harry Potter book and had it read before the sun set on the weekend. I would have finished it sooner, but it's Amanda's birthday so we've been celebrating that joyous occasion, and I've been doing homework. Well, actually homework be damned, the book came first.

I read in an article that Rowling is now worth (pinky to side of mouth) one billion dollars! One freaking billion dollars for writing 6 books. Oh sure, that's excluding proceeds from movies, books on tape, en espanol, guest appearances, Every Flavor Beans, etc. But still just for writing 6 books. The rest of that would not have happened if not for the books.

For the mathematically retarded population, that's 167 million dollars per book. Tough to get an accurate estimate on pages, but something close to 3000 pages. So roughly $55,500 per freaking PAGE. It eventually breaks down to something like $250 per word.

I am in the wrong field. That's for damn sure. At that rate this blog is currently worth: $50,000.

From what I can tell, she hit that mark somewhere in year 2004. I'm sure this next round of income will increase dramatically. After millions of fans fall upon The Half Blood Prince like ravenous creatures denied a meal for many days. I know I had to beat some poor kid over the head with my copy to keep him from gnawing at my leg. Thats one advantage of reading these books at 27. You're a lot bigger than the 13 year olds. Not only this book but there's another movie coming out later this year.

Current blog worth: $74,750.

And I know that it's not about the money, it's about the art. Yeah. Bullshit. Bull-fucking-shit. I defy you to sit there and say screw that $167e8 paycheck, I just want the art I create to be a betterment to the community. Or some other kinda crap. Anyway, it does kind of make one want to pull out the old assortment of short stories and writings from the old college years.

Current blog worth: $94,000.

And of course, that's only if you're as successful as this series has been. But what if you're not? What if you're only half as good. Or one tenth. Or one thousandth. That's still more money than I'll make, that's for sure.

Current blog worth: $105,500.

So now I'm back to waiting. Waiting until the final installment comes. Sometime in like 2008 or something horrible like that. I'll have to be content with watching the movies as they come out, and being continually relieved that it wasn't an all American cast. Which is such a terrifying line of thought that I must sign off now, or risk permanent damage.

Total blog worth: $122,250.


At 11:55 AM, Blogger PJ said...

Excellent post, bro...

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Shanshu said...

Ah, yes. Wanting to write...I am in touch with that emotion. Hopefully, with people like Greg giving me support (read: kicking my ass into gear), I should be able to create something that will be worth at least $14.

I liked your "how much this blog is worth" section. Clever girl.

At 9:36 AM, Blogger PJ said...

Wow...nice Jurassic Park reference...I assume that's what that's from...

At 10:02 AM, Blogger wrmblnwrck said...

Yeah that's what I was thinking it was from.

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Shape Of: Obsessive Fandom!

The key isn't to write something that will better the community. Rather, the trick is to write something that taps so deeply into people's collective cultural psyche that they become obsessive, addicted fans, nitpicking over the slightest detail, spending hours poring over fan art and fanfiction, and neglecting both food and sleep to receive their latest fixes. What makes us do this, anyway? If you told someone 200 years ago that the biggest event of the weekend of July 15, 2005 would be the release of a young adult fiction novel. . .well, get the smelling salts.

The grand masters are, of course, the Star Trek franchise, Lucas and his Star Wars world, Joss Wheadon and his Buffyverse, and now, JKR. The only stroke of genius she added was tapping into a younger fan market than ever before. If she can gets kids to dress up and congregate at this young age, imagine what the Harry Potter Convention audience will be like in ten years, when they have their own income? Scary, huh?

At 6:42 PM, Blogger PJ said...

That means she'll be worth, um...

I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.


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