Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Seinfeld Effect

There is a scientific principle I've been working on called the Seinfeld Effect.* Bear with me as it's still a little rough around the edges. Tivo has introduced some perturbations to the over all equations so I've had to revise a "Special" form and a "General" form. But the crux of the theory is that everybody has a limited number of shows they can watch, and from each show a limited number of episodes. For any episodic show you watch extremely infrequently, the Seinfeld Effect will kick in and compensate so that you won't use up too many of your finite allotment of shows and episodes.

For example: I have seen about 12 episodes of Seinfeld. I have seen each of them about 47 times.

Any time I was flipping through channels and saw that it was on, and actually thought (because I'm not much of a fan of the show) "I guess that's okay to watch." It always turns out to be one of the few episodes I've seen. So there was a new show on this season: How I Met Your Mother. Kinda lame, but it's got Doogie Houser and Willow in it so I thought I'd give it a chance. It's on at a weird time that I'm not used to having shows I watch in those time slots. You'd think I'd program Tivo to tape them for me but I'm Too Smart for that! Keep in mind this show started this season, like a month or so ago. I've seen all of one episode. And I've seen it twice. The Seinfeld Effect hard at work, not only making a show play a rerun 5 weeks after starting, but for keeping me from remembering to program my Tivo. (The first being the "General" and the second being "Special").

So next time you're flipping through the channels and see that one episode of that one show for the 127th time, be sure to blame Seinfeld.

*Note this is different from the theory where Kramer kills a bug on Tuesday in N.Y., and you get earthquakes in South Asia and Godzilla in Tokyo on Wednesday.


At 1:19 AM, Blogger PJ said...

Nice theory...I find this to be true, as well...thought having a TiVo and DVR in the house limits that dramatically. It will only record eps that are new.

Also, How I Met Your Mother is pretty funny. I, too, watched it because of Doogie and Willow, but find myself enjoying it more and more each time. Plus, Bob Sagat narrates the sonofabitch...anything with him in it is worth it's weight in Olsen Twins.

At 4:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I like the theory. Check out the link for t-shirts Ian sent me today:

I know you've always wanted a "Vote for Zaphod" t-

At 9:55 AM, Blogger Shanshu said...

Ok, seriously? Update your blog.


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